Adam was “summoned” for his usual on the road duties down south this summer. But this time since we’re married, I didn’t have to stay back and I got to go with him! Thank goodness. It would suck staying home by myself for two months! It’s awesome flying around with him, landing at all different airports and using pilot lounges and privileges.. never in my life would have thought I’d have these opportunities! It is awkward sometimes as well when i’m basically tagging along in the pilot, law enforcement and military world which is dominated by men. But they’ve all been nice to me. 🙂
We stayed in multiple towns in KY, stayed in Virginia for 2 weeks and also hit up the smoky mountains on our anniversary weekend. 🙂 Halfway through our stay some friends from back home and my sister also came down to visit!
Hotel living is gets old and so does restaurant food so we definitely miss home while away. But if we were home we’d probably gotten sick of cooking and be wishing we could eat out more. Funny how life is. haha. 🙂
Here are some photos to sum up some our adventures.
My pilot, my ride. 🙂
We fish almost every evening. Here’s one of my catches! A small mouth bass.
This pictures just makes me laugh. Adam kind of broke the poor fish’s jaw when removing the hook, so now it and Adam both have lopsided grins! hahaha
Isn’t he just the cutest?
Hanging out at the Lake on the weekend. We were sitting here cooling off in the water when a water snake wen swimming by behind us and kind of killed the mood…
Friends (and sister!) came to visit for the weekend! 🙂
Us girls free climbing the tower while the guys spot us.
The guys at the Devil’s Bathtub.
Having a competition of who can last longer in the icy waters of the Devils Bathtub.
Sister, friend and I. Can you tell who is who? Crazy right!?
They look so much alike from behind they can pull off a fake mirror picture.
So glad she was able to make it to visit 🙂
Working on the go.
My sky office.
Rented a jeep for our week in Paducah and I found a solution for riding with “hair down roof off.” Put a towel on the head!! lol
Hubby and I
Hiking in the Smokies